Underground Memoirs


“Underground Memoirs” depicts a space, both physical and from the memories‘ past, a collage of recollections and sensations.Two people meet in this place halfway between the real and the unreal.The body, trigger of memories and archive containing personal and collective experiences, becomes the joint where present action and past memories meet.Voices - of different ages, backgrounds and genders - emerge with the aim of defining what it is and what was like the “underground scene” and how does it influence still nowadays our way of making art, producing culture, thinking politics and community spaces.From desires, hopes and necessities for a common future, fragile and yet energetic and powerful human realities arise, bringing us into a space where thoughts and intuitions for new ways of living can come out, free from capitalistic, commercial and mass systems.An “underground” site unveils driven by the need of getting back or continuing to give value to human existence, opening spaces, peeling off layers, in order to be able to see and observe the hidden currents that nourish the cultural experimentation and support the strategies for new politics of living, inclusive and open.


Concept And Choreography
: MariaGiulia Serantoni / Performance: MariaGiulia Serantoni, Maria Focaraccio / Sound design: Andrea Parolin / Light Design: Michele Piazzi / Video: Florence Freitag / Set Design:  Giulia Paolucci / Video Meterial: Horst Weidenmüller, K7 Berlin, Ingo Kra,sch & JuDa Sartory, Johannes Plank, Gabz444

Supported by:

TanzFabrik Berlin, Wiesenburg 55 e. V., Fattoria Vittadini.The project wins the first edition of "Vivo d’Arte award", promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreigns Affairs and the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Romaeuropa Foundation.


2019: Premiere at Festival “Romaeuropa”, Rome, IT